Monday, May 11, 2009

I had a bad day at work today. One of the liaison officer in my office is a total bitch times 10. So is her husband. I hope they die in fire with their kids. I like it extra crispy.

I though the bad mood will effect my workout, but everything turned out fine. I did chest workout in afternoon and evening session, and I worked hard. I emptied both of my water bottles and right now I'm having a minor headache, which possibly cause by lack of water. Dehydration sucks.

Anyways, today one of old gym member showed up and we were thrilled. He looks like he's losing a lot of weight. He used to be the biggest guy around, waaaay back when I was a scrawny pussy. He said that he's going to start working out again tomorrow and we'll see what happened.

Workout: chest x2, abs
weight: 77kg / 170 lbs

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