Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am an absolute loner. I like to train alone and avoided any chatting in the gym. No one has told me, but I know everyone recognized me as the walkman guy in the gym. I don't mind being friendly with other people, but there's one distinctive trait that I hate in the gym social group. Vanity.

If you listen to the conversation at the gym, its either some guys complimenting on others because they're fishing for a compliment themselves, or people who love to talk godly about themselves. I waaaay over this game, and I won't play it.

I don't really mind people being vain, as long as they're not an asshole. I agree that some validation from others are needed to push even more, but a dishonest compliments are tad too much.

I trained really hard today albeit my killing back pain. Fuck pain, I'm going to push even further.

Workout: Chest, shoulder
weight: 78 kg, 172 lbs

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